Monday, September 22, 2008

Idea is yours...

After much deliberation on the idea, do it extensively without giving too much of information within your circle or talk as if you have heard this someplace, this could help you with assisted feedback. People tend to disagree more often if they know you are not a part of the show. That would spill the beans as much as the negatives to the ideas are concerned.

I will tell you why exactly we might forget/or not accept the negatives....

1. Its your idea and your idea can never be wrong.
2. Its your idea and you strongly believe that your idea can never fail.
3. Its your idea therefore it will be always a winning proposition.
4. Take to the first point and run through to fourth point.

Let me take you through the reality, Imagine if someone gave you an idea of something new, wat would you do? rip the whole into pieces in case should it fail as an assumption. If you got the guts to do it and still come up trumps, then you are there.

Don't look back, and you wont ever...:)

That's it for today....

signing off


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